Silver Spring
Historic Silver Spring
Compiled by Jerry A. McCoy

T – top
B – bottom


Abbott, Gene (photographer), 109
Acme Super Market, 106
acorn gazebo, 10, 28, 29, 30, 31, 112
Acorn Park, 10, 30, 31, 32, 43
Adams Studio Custom Photography, 61
Albert Buehler Provision Company, 95
Allen, Mrs. Elna Gerlac, 66
American Film Institute, 20, 117
American Instrument Company, 65
American Memory Project (Library of Congress), 53
American Nurses Association, 105
Amtrak, 73
Ankers, Del (photographer), 112
Arrowhead (yearbook), 110
Art Deco Society of Washington, 117
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 109
Atomic Energy Commission, 65
“Avenue of Progress,” 67, 106


Baker’s Shoes, 118
Baldwin, Ephraim Francis (architect), 12, 70
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 84, 89, 114
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station, 12, 70, 71, 72
Baltimore Life Insurance Company, 32
Bank of Silver Spring, 112
Barker Bakery, 109
Barrett, Ray E., 115
Bartley, Katherine (photographer), 88
Battle of Ft. Stevens, 24, 33, 113
Bayless, Leslie H., 37
Bell, Mrs. Esterlene, 39
Bender, Fred, 79
Bender, Mrs. Rudolph, 12
bicycle races, 105
Biggs, Mildred Lutes, 126
billboards, 91
Black, Robert I., 68
Blair Mansion Inn, 39
Blair Mill Road, 50, 51
Blair Station Post Office, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48
Blair, Eliza Violet Howard Gist, 23
Blair, Elizabeth, 23
Blair, Francis Preston, 22, 23, 24, 26
Blair, Gist, 25, 33, 92
Blair, James, 23, 35
Blair, Jesup, 35
Blair, Jr., Francis, 23
Blair, Montgomery, 22, 23, 33, 35, 92
Blair Road (present Sligo Avenue), 124
Bluestone Road (present Sligo Avenue), 124
Bobinger, Agnes “Tillie,” 100
Bobinger, Lt. Col. William H., 100
Bodine, A. Aubrey (photographer), 31
Body, R. F. (photographer), 91
Bonifant Street, 89
boundary stones, 25, 39, 40, 41
Bowman, William E. (postmaster), 48
Brandt, Ernie, 81
Bransome, Michael Lee, 37
Braun, Jay (photographer), 67, 106, 113
Breckenridge, Maj. Gen. John C., 34
Brenneman, Dean, 75
Brewster, Sen. Daniel, 29
Bullis School, 88
Bullis, Comdr. William F., 88
Burlington Avenue, 17
buses, 42, 60


Cameron Street, 103, 113
Canada Dry Bottling Plant, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54
Capital Transit Company, 42, 60
Captain Jerry’s Sea Food Restaurant, 127
Captain White’s Oyster House, 127
carnival, 41
Carraway, David (photographer), 39
Chamberlin, Barbara, 60
Chaney, Lon (actor), 20
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Exchange, 17
Chevrolet automobile, 20
Chrysler-Plymouth automobiles, 64
Cikovsky, Nicolai (artist), 94
Cissel, James H., 12, 13, 79, 83, 87, 124
Cissel, Joseph C., 106
Coca-Cola Bottling Works, 50
Cohalan, Mame (artist), 32
Colesville Road, 107, 108, 114-122
Collins-Kronstadt and Associates, 62
Company K, 115th Infantry, 15, 79, 106
Confederates soldiers, 24, 113
cornerstones, 20, 27, 58, 77, 80, 96
Cory, Walter Monroe (architect), 51
Cowell, John C., 89
Cowell, William M., 89
Crawford, C. M. (photographer), cover
Crawford, Estelle, 125
Crawford, John T., 125
Crisfield’s Seafood Restaurant, 64
CSX Transportation, 73, 74
Cutler, Howard Wright (architect), 36


Darby, Mrs., 53
Daughters of the American Revolution (Mary Washington Chapter), 40
Davis, Clay V., 79
Davis, Robert B. (photographer), 71, 84
Dietle, Erwin, 85
Dietle, Henry, 85
Dietle, Herbert, 85
Dietle, Matilda, 85
Dietle, Richard, 85
Dietle, Richard J. “Pop,” 85
Dietle’s Tavern, 85
Dinette Center, 118
Discovery Communications, Inc., 103, 105
Dixie Cream Donut Shop, 65
Dixon Avenue, 89
Dudley, Jr., Frederick E., 19, 89
Dudley, Margie, 89
Duncan, Harry F., 85
Dunlap, Edward, 93
Duvall, Owen (photographer), 60


Early, Gen. Jubal A., 33
Easley, R. Holt, 14
East Silver Spring, 123-128
Eastern Avenue, 22, 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50
East-West Highway, 43, 51, 55, 114
eBay, 86
Eberson, John (architect), 107, 108, 117
Eig, Sam, 62, 115
Ellicott, Andrew, 40
Elliott, PFC John S., 79, 106
Ellsworth Drive, 106, 109, 118
Elms (house), 92
Elton Road, 50
Emerson Research Laboratories, 43
Emery, Vera B., 119
envelopes, 24, 49, 92, 111
Esso gasoline station, 115
Ethel’s Millinery and Bags, 109
Executive Photo Service, 101


Fagles, Jack, 110
Falkland Apartments, 114
Falkland (estate), 22, 24, 33, 34, 35
Faulconer, John M. (architect), 87, 90, 125
Federal Housing Administration, 114
Ferdinand Magellan (Pullman car), 72
Fields, Matthew, 111
Fields, Mr., 111
fire, 84, 87
Fire Fountain Inn, 122
Fireman, Save My Child (film), 87
First Baptist Church of Silver Spring, 99
Folsom, Fred (artist), 82
Ford automobile, 55, 106
Four Brothers (film), 117
Franc Shoes, 88
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly, 24, 34
Fredland Jewelers, 118
Freeman, Leopold, 65
French, George, 128
Friends of the Silver Spring Library, 94


Gateway Heliport Gallery, 58
George’s Furniture Exchange, 109
Georgia Avenue, 10, 11-20, 22, 57, 58, 60-97, 100-113
Georgian Motel, 62
Giant Food, 113
Gifford’s, 76
Girl Crazy (film), 118
Glover, William, 79
Gosbee, Ernest (photographer), 80
Grabenstein, Joseph W. (artist), 29
Grace Church Road, 112
Grace Episcopal Church, 113
Gramax Heliport Building, 57, 58
Gramax Towers, 58
Griffin, Joseph E., 84
Griffith and Perry, Inc., 114
Griffith, Bill (artist), 104
Griffith, Howard (postmaster), 94
Griffith, Joseph A., 96
Guardian Building, 91
Guardian Federal Savings Association, 91
Gulf gasoline station, 19, 107


Hahn Shoes, 116
Hall, George, 79
Harden Street (present Wayne Avenue), 95
Heaton, Arthur B. (photographer), 63
Heflin, Mrs. Betty, 30
Heizer, Roy M., 19, 127
Hewitt, Frank L. (postmaster), 15, 92
Hirshorn, Paul, 116
Historic American Engineering Record, 53
Historic Preservation Commission (Montgomery County), 98
Hoey, Maria, 75
Holland (house), 121
Holt, PFC Thomas, 79
Hood, George A., 106
Horan, John (photographer), 30, 109
Horydczak, Theodor (photographer), 50
Hot Shoppes Drive-In Restaurant, 61
Hunter Brothers Hardware, 76, 77
Hunter, Gertrude, 77
Hunter, John H., 76, 77
Hunter, Thomas, 76


Irene’s Ladies Apparel and Accessory Shop, 109
Izenour, Steven, 116


Janin, Violet Blair, 35
J. C. Penney, 120
Jesup Blair Community House (library), 36
Jesup Blair Park, 22, 36, 37, 60
Jones, Edward, 79
Jones, Pvt. Guy L., 105
Jones, Sr., Lee W., 42
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, 29, 111
Jouvenal, William J., 79
Justement, Louis (architect), 114


Kalivas, Jerry, 127
Keele, Mrs. John C., 112
Kelley, Mike, 73
Kengla, Louis C., 125
Kennett Street, 45
King, Benjamin C., 28
King Street, 40
Knights of Columbus Hall, 95
Kopeland, Charles H., 30, 67, 108
Kopy Kat Women’s Wear, 88
Kreuzburg, Blanche, 122
Kreuzburg, Harvey, 122
Kronenbitter, Chris, 81


Landis, Henry, 64
Landis, Lillian, 64
Lane, Gov. W. Preston, 67
Lane, Norman, 82
Lee III, Blair, 31
Lee, Blair, 25, 34, 39
Lee, E. Brooke, 15, 17, 31, 83, 109
Lee, Elizabeth Blair, 25
Lee Plaza, 105, 116
Lee, Rear Admiral Samuel Phillips, 24, 26, 27
Lee’s Tea Garden, 109
Leizear, Wilburn (postmaster), 29
Levy, Gary, 55
Library of Congress, 53, 63
Lincoln-Mercury automobiles, 50
linoleum cut blocks, 30, 36
Little Miss Broadway (film), 117
Little Tavern Shops, Inc., 85, 86
Lofstrand, Rudolf A., 67
London After Midnight (film), 20
Lowe, Jet (photographer), 52
Lubel, Leon, 64
Lutes III, Lawrence V., 126
Lutes, Fred L., 66, 79, 126
Lutes, Louise Carolyn Forni, 126


Maddox, Charles J., 14
Main, Betty Louise, 70
Main, Russell S., 70
Maloney, Sr., Lawrence B., 76, 77
Maloney’s Inc., 76, 78
Mann Motors, Inc., 80
map Washington and Vicinity, 1917, 10
map Washington and Vicinity, 1929, 17
Maple Avenue (present Dixon Avenue), 89
MARC (Maryland Rail Commuter), 73
Marcy Motors, 64
Marriott, J. Willard, 61
Martens Volvo Silver Spring Grand Prix, 105
Martin, Lincoln E., 120
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 11, 32
Maryland News, 68
Masonic Temple, 20, 97, 97
Master Plan for Historic Preservation (Montgomery County), 98, 117, 120
Mattlingly’s Pharmacy, 14
Mayo, William Thurman, 65
Mayor’s Promenade, 82
McCoy, Jerry A. (photographer), 27, 32, 38, 41, 44, 45, 46, 51, 53, 54, 57, 58, 73, 74, 75, 82, 83, 86, 90, 91, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 105
Meadow’s Dining Car, 102
Memory Wall (mural), 32
Mesrobian, Ara (photographer), 72
Metro, 69, 115
Metropolitan Branch, 12, 69
Miller, Morris, 49
Millett, Vickie Bobinger, 100
Miss Silver Spring 1963, 60
Monroe Ford, 43, 55
Montgomery Arms Apartments, 120
Montgomery Blair High School, 112
Montgomery Blair High School Marching Band, cover
Montgomery County Building, 105
Montgomery County State Legislature, 67
Montgomery County Suburban Office Building, 105
Montgomery Donuts, 65
Montgomery, Fon J. (architect), 122
Montgomery Hills, 85
Montgomery Preservation, Inc., 74, 75
Montgomery Sentinel, 111
Montgomery-Stubbs Motors, Inc., 50
Moorings (estate), 35, 36, 37, 38
Mrs. K’s Toll House, 122
Mullen, E. F. (artist), 24


Nash automobile, 20
National Association of Dyers and Cleaners, 18, 62, 63
National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing, 63
National Photo, 95, 97
National Register of Historic Places, 75, 114
Nelson’s Washington Suburban Directory, 125
Neuman, Alan B., 127
Neuman, Margaret, 127
Newell Street, 43
Newman, Charles R., 39
Newman, William B., 127
NorBud Hoisery and Ready to Wear Shop, 88
Norman, Ova D., 87
North Washington Realty Company, 60, 83
Northwood High School, 110


O’Brien, John (photographer), 35
O’Donnell, Hugh F., 16
Oak Street (present Bonifant Street), 89
Oden, Fred N., 79
Old Tavern (mural), 94
Oldsmobile automobiles, 80
Ollie’s, 86
Oscar, the Redheaded Mouse, 115
Osterman Optometrists, 118
Ox-Bow Incident (film), 117


Palacio Women’s Clothes, 118
parades, 67, 81
Park Silver Motel, 56
parking garage, 99
parking lots, 108, 109
Pease, Arthur, 119
Pease, Jr., Arthur, 119
Pease, Robert, 119
Pease, Ronald, 119
Pease, Thelma B., 119
Peggy’s Hall of Beauty, 109
People’s Drug Store, 88
Perpetual Building Association, 113
Pershing Drive, 99
Petit, Harvey, 87
Petit Norman Silver Restaurant, 87
Philadelphia Avenue, 68
Phillips, Bob, 82
Piano Shop, 61
Pitney-Bowes, Inc., 48, 49
police substation, 105
Polk’s Washington Suburban Directory, 125
Poplar Avenue (present Ripley Street), 84
post cards, [2], [4], 10-20, 29, 39 T, 49 B, 56, 62, 87 T/B, 91T, 105T, 108T, 111B, 113B, 122 T/B, 127T
Pranc Shoes, 88
Proctor, Frank Baker (architect), 87, 90
Proximity VT (Variable Time) Fuse, 111


Quonset hut, 76


Ramsey, Eunice Williams, 103
Ray, Alfred, 27
Reardon, Judy (photographer), 50, 64, 86, 128
Reardon, Mary, 128
Reindeer Frozen Custard, 114, 115, 119
Reynolds, William H., 65
Rideout (photographer), 96
Riley, Jr., Bennett, 118
Riley, Preston, 118
Ripley Street, 84, 85
Robinowitz, William, 57, 58
Roeder, Charles H., 121
Roeder, Esther A., 121
Roeder (house), 121, 122
Roeder, James E., 106
Roeder, Judge Cecil M., 115
Roeder Road, 121
Roll Call (yearbook), 88
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 114
Rosemere Street, 30
Routt, Francis (photographer), 34, 43


Santmyers, George T. (architect), 49, 120
Saxe, Thomas E., 116
Sayer, Ernest, 79
Schrider (house), 124
Schrider, John D., 124
Schrider, John T., 124
Schrider, Marion C., 68
Schrider, Sr., Charles T., 124
Schrider Street, 124
Schrider, William T., 124
Schumaker, Byron (photographer), 37, 38
SECO Theater, 20, 87
Senseman, Ronald S. (architect), 99
Sery, John, 50
Shepherd Park (DC), 43
Sheraton-Silver Spring Motor Inn, 122
Sherwin, Robert, 67
Shirley’s Women’s Clothes, 118
Shoemaker, Abigail C., 39
Shoemaker, Pierce, 39
Silver Barber Shop, 118
Silverlogue (yearbook), 112
Silver Shop, 109
Silver Spring Armory, cover, 15, 79, 98, 99
Silver Spring Auto Body Shop, 82
Silver Spring Avenue, 125
Silver Spring Board of Trade, 67, 108
Silver Spring Building Supply Company, 83, 84
Silver Spring Business Men’s Association, 66
Silver Spring Draft Board, 37, 38
Silver Spring (estate), 22, 23, 25, 25, 26, 44, 45
Silver Spring Historical Society, 53, 74, 93, 96, 101, 104, 114, 128
Silver Spring Home Bakery, 85
Silver Spring Junior Chamber of Commerce, 60, 83
Silver Spring Library, 36, 121
Silver Spring Liquor Dispensary, 91
Silver Spring Lodge No. 215, 20, 96
Silver Spring Metro Station, 115
Silver Spring Mortgage Company, 97
Silver Spring National Bank, 13, 83, 90, 126
Silver Spring Park (present East Silver Spring), 123-128
Silver Spring Pastry Shop, 18
Silver Spring Post Office, 14, 92, 93, 94
Silver Spring Shopping Center, 107, 108, 109, 110
Silver Spring Sports Shop, 110
Silver Spring Taxi Stand, 42
Silver Spring Tire Corporation, 63, 64
Silver Spring: Story of an American Suburb (film), [2]
Silver Spring Volunteer Fire Dept. Engine #1, 15, 34, 79, 80, 81, 84, 126
Silver Theatre, 107, 117, 118
Silverman, Joseph (photographer), 78
Silverton Condominiums, 52, 54
Simco Shoes, 118
Simon, Louis A. (architect), 93
Slatick, Carol, 75, 128
Slatick, Gene (photographer), 75, 128
Slatick, Marilyn, 75, 128
Sligo Avenue, 14, 68, 105, 124
Sligo, MD, 94, 111
Smily, Bonnie, 37
Spring Garden Apartments, 22, 49
Spring Knolls Apartments, 22
Springer, John D., 97
S. S. Kresge Company, 109
Stanley Steamer automobile, 115
Staton, Mrs. Adolphus, 35
Stewardesses 3D (film), 78
Stewart Brothers, 42
Stickle, Marcie, 53, 128
Stokely, Christine (photographer), 37
Stokely, Florence, 37
Stokely, Jean, 37
Stokely, Ray, 37
Stoval, Dave, 82, 118
streetcar, 11, 12, 42, 60
spring grotto, 11, 26, 27, 31, 32
Streets, Wellner (photographer), 85
Suburban Electrical Company, 20
Suburban Trust Company, 90, 126
Sucrow, Annie J., 18
Sucrow, Richard C., 18
Sucrow’s Sandwiches, 18
Summerfield, Arthur (postmaster general), 48


Tastee Diner, 101, 102, 103, 104
Tender Maid Donut Shop, 65
Texaco gasoline station, 100
Thayer Avenue, 125, 126-128
Thirteenth Street, 22, 40, 41, 56, 57
Tilghman Moyer Company, 90
tornado, 89
Torrance, Bryan, 128
Torrance, Elva, 128
Town Motor Hotel, 56
Transorma, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49
Triplex Shoes, 88
trolley, see streetcar
Truman, Bess, 72
Truman, President Harry S, 72
Twenty-ninth Division, 98


U.S. Geological Survey, 43
underpass, 22, 66, 67, 68
Underwood, Jr., Thomas L. (photographer), 72
Union Station (DC), 69
United Service Organization lounge, 112
Urban, Nancy, 75


viaduct, see underpass
Villa, Francisco “Poncho,” 79


Wade, Antonio M., 46
Walter, Malcolm (photographer), 98
war ration book, 70
Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home, 95
Warner, Eddie M., 101, 102
Warren, Leena, 89
Warren, Mrs. Charles, 12
Washington and Vicinity, 1917 (map), 10
Washington and Vicinity, 1929 (map), 17
Washington, DC Post Office (12th and Pennsylvania Avenue), 128
Washington Home, 128
Washington Post, 109
Washington Star Pictorial Magazine, 109
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 11
Washington, Woodside, and Forest Glen Railway, 11, 12
Water, Samuel D., 124
Wayne Avenue, 95, 98, 99
Weakley, Burley, 42
White, Clifton B. (architect), 45
White, R. B., 67
White, Stanford (architect), 39
White Tower, 116
White Towers, 116
Williams, Jackie, 46
Woman in Red (film), 117
Women’s Improvement Club of Silver Spring, 112
Woodside School, 16
Woodward, Fred E. (photographer), 25, 39
Wrenn, John, 127
Wrenn’s Nest, 127
Wrenn, Nora, 127
Wright’s Jewelry, 110
Wright, William M., 110
Wright, Trixie, 68


Yost, Sr., Louis A., 97


Zimmerman, Marcel, 106
Zippy the Pinhead, 104